Hannah Yeadon | Cosmic Dance

30 November – 1 December 2024

Online and by appointment until 20 December


An exhibition of new work by ceramic artist Hannah Yeadon at Oxford Clayhouse, curated by Hannah Payne Art.


Oxford-based ceramic artist Hannah Yeadon’s practice explores form, function and the deeper philosophies that guide human existence. Raised in a Buddhist family, and having practiced Buddhism since childhood, Yeadon’s work is profoundly influenced by Buddhist teachings and is a true reflection of the artists life’s journey.


Yeadon’s abstract sculptures are deeply rooted in Buddhist humanism and pacifism, focusing on the inherent potential for compassion within all people. The artist strives to create pieces that not only engage the viewer aesthetically, but also encourage contemplation and introspection on these themes through an ability to convey complex philosophical ideas through simple, yet profound forms.


Hannah Yeadon primarily uses slab building techniques to shape and form abstract sculptures. Yeadon’s instinctive method of working allows the artist to create intricate forms that are both deliberate and spontaneous, whilst embodying the principles of peace, culture and education informed by Buddhist teachings.


The meditative nature of working with clay enables me to infuse each piece with a sense of direction and purpose. I believe that the tactile engagement with the material allows me to channel my thoughts and emotions into tangible forms. (Hannah Yeadon, 2024)


Yeadon’s new series ‘Cosmic Dance’ further explores the concept of interconnectedness, highlighting the delicate balance between individual actions and their impact on the world around us. Each piece is an attempt to harmonise human happiness with our interdependent relationship with the environment.


Hannah Yeadon is a ceramic artist with over 30 years’ experience following obtaining a degree in Ceramics at Camberwell School of Art (1994) and an MA in Ceramic Arts from Bath Spa (2018) with distinction.


For more information and enquiries about works available, or to arrange viewing appointments, please contact Hannah Payne: Hannah@theartfive.com



Hannah Yeadon | Cosmic Dance

Oxford Clayhouse

7 North Parade Avenue

Oxford, OX2.